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August 2019

Overcome Hoarding

Overcome Hoarding and Take Back Your Life

“Even as a child I struggled with throwing things away: clothing I had outgrown, preschool storybooks, school papers from previous grades. I felt like I might need things later on, that I’d feel huge regret if I didn’t keep everything I could. Now, as an adult, my need to keep everything is ruining my life. I never invite friends over to the house, and neither do the other members of my family. I know they

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Getting Organized
Getting Organized

Getting Organized Without Marie Kondo

If you’re sick of hearing the famous “Konmari” phrase “Does it spark joy,” you are far from alone. The good news is, there are reliable, time-proven ways of getting organized without Marie Kondo. Today we’re discussing six of our favorite techniques for sifting through a household of stuff, none of which require reflecting meditatively over your housewares. 1. Reach out to an online community. Joining a Reddit sub, Facebook group, message board, or other online

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