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May 2019

Custom Dallas Closet

After KonMari: How to Design a Custom Dallas Closet To Enhance a Minimalist Lifestyle

If there is one thing Marie Kondo taught us with her KonMari method of decluttering it’s that minimalism brings with it a certain feeling of freedom: freedom from material possessions, freedom from oppressive clutter, and freedom from stress. According to Kondo, a carefully organized and simplified aesthetic can actually be the key to our inner peace. Still, plenty of us find ourselves battling overstuffed drawers and cluttered shelves all hidden behind closet doors. This hide-and-forget

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Professional Designer
Dallas Custom Closets

Getting Organized: How to Prepare to Work With a Professional Designer for Your Dallas Custom Closets

Taming the Closet Monsters As children, many of us were afraid of a monster lurking in our closets. If you experienced this, hopefully you had someone reassuring you that there was no monster. In adulthood, though, the monster may have become real; it’s just made of piles of closet clutter and unsorted clothing! If you are ready to get organized before you meet with a professional designer for your Dallas Custom Closets, this guide will

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Preparing Closet
Dallas Closet

Transform Your Dallas Closet Into a Custom Home Office

Few of us have the luxury of devoting an entire room to act as our home office. Even when we do, we’re often just one life event away from losing our space. When you have a baby, the office becomes a nursery; when you move to a smaller home, the bedroom you sacrifice to afford a better location is going to mean losing your office. The good news is that as long as you can

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