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Living in a Small Space? Why a Budget Capsule Wardrobe is Ideal

Capsule Wardrobe

If your closet is on the smaller side, you may be frustrated by a space that’s crammed full while still feeling like you can’t find anything in there to wear. You’re not alone! The good news is that this common issue has an elegant solution, and it will work for you even if you’re on a tight budget. All you need to do is follow six simple guidelines to transform your cluttered closet into a streamlined, curated budget capsule wardrobe.

The capsule wardrobe is a concept that emphasizes well-made core pieces that are thoughtfully selected to work together seamlessly all year long. These core pieces are supplemented by only a few new accessories or wardrobe items each season if needed.

For example, if you work at a casual office, your core pieces will likely be high-quality jeans, crisp cotton button-down shirts, low-key leather oxfords or pretty flats, and a nice handbag. You would then choose a handful of accessories like scarves or jewelry to change up your daily look. Any shirt should work with any pair of pants or shoes, and the bag you choose should work with any item in your capsule wardrobe.

Step One: Downsize

Time to get rid of anything that’s worn out, too small, too cheap, or in a color you’ve found you don’t like wearing. Anything you haven’t worn in the previous season should go, but you should store things like your wedding dress or formal attire you’ll reach for on special occasions.

Step Two: Choose Your Best Colors

If you already know which 2 – 3 colors make your complexion bright and beautiful, choose these to build your capsule around. If you don’t, take some time to nail down your perfect hues before you start spending on your core pieces. Focus on harmonious colors that play well together so that anything you reach for will work with almost anything else in your capsule.

Step Three: Carefully Define Your Aesthetic

Start collecting images online that are clear examples of outfits you’d want to wear day after day. While you’ll have versatility and room to play within your capsule, your core pieces should appeal to you after dozens of wears.

Step Four: Begin Purchasing Core Pieces

Remember that you can focus on high-quality thrift items and pieces purchased at deep discounts in the off seasons. There’s nothing wrong with shopping for a linen skirt in November provided you skip the trends and search for timeless designs.

Step Five: Accessorize

Many people who stick to small capsule wardrobes find that accessories are where they have the most fun. This is where trendy items and bright flashes of color are easily worked into your wardrobe without stressing your budget.

Step Six: Find a Great Tailor

If you don’t have one already, you’ll want to locate a skilled, affordable tailor near you. Remember, as long as it fits the largest part of your frame, you’ll be able to have the rest of the item tailored to fit. This approach will help you make the most of thrift store finds and discount items, since in those situations you’re not usually going to be able to choose from multiple sizes.

A capsule wardrobe can work in even the smallest of spaces, but if you’d like our input on organizational tips for your space, no space is too small for us to get excited about!

The capsule wardrobe is a powerful tool that will empower you to define your personal style, streamline your morning routine, declutter your small closet, and stick to the budget you’ve set for yourself. When done correctly, a capsule wardrobe is full of only your favorite items that help you look your personal best.
